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每日一翻:Tapping The Twitterverse For Meaning

01300000651038125928555639383Using social media is easy. Understanding all aspects of social media is a whole lot harder. For example, Twitter has become important for publishing and aggregating breaking news on the ground from around the world. The Arab Spring a few years ago was probably the best example of this capacity.
Twitter’s influence is why the social media site is teaming with the M.I.T. Media Lab to create the M.I.T. Laboratory for Social Machines. Its mission: to find new ways of extracting meaningful semantic and social patterns from Twitter’s daily flood of selfies, rants and observations, both significant and insipid.
The new lab will not just analyze Twitter—other social and mass media are fair game too. Twitter will be front and center, though. They’re making a five-year, $10 million commitment to the effort and providing researchers with access to its full stream of new and archived tweets, dating back to the very first tweet, Jack Dorsey’s 24-character message in 2006. And each day brings another 500 million freshly minted messages.
新的实验室将不仅仅只是分析Twitter,同样也会分析其他的社会和大众传媒。当然还是优先针对Twiiter。Twiiter承诺五年为此投资1000万美元,还为研究者提供他们所有的包括新发布的和已经归档的旧推文的访问权,这些旧推文可以追溯到Jack Dorsey( Twitter 和 Square 的创始人)在2006年发出的第一条有24个字符的推文,以及每天新出炉的五亿条新的消息。
So, let’s hope that, in addition to studying how we communicate in shorthand, the lab looks at how to keep valuable info on Twitter from being lost within the digital inundation.


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