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每日一翻:Apple Pay Perturbs Prying Personal Prospectors

Apple’s efforts to improve your digital privacy have met with surprisingly strong resistance from companies and agencies that want your info. Seems that confidentiality hampers efforts to track buying habits—and bad guys.
The controversy revolves around what’s called Apple Pay. By employing the newly released payment system, users of the latest i-devices can now buy things without flashing a credit or debit card. Google’s offered a similar digital wallet for years, but Apple’s version will not collect transaction info or store card numbers on your device.
围绕Apple Pay引发的各种争论不断。通过使用最新发布的支付系统,用苹果最新设备的用户现在买东西的时候不再需要刷信用卡或者借记卡。谷歌提出类似的数码钱包已经有几年了,但是苹果的系统不会在你的设备里收集交易记录或者是商店的卡号。
Many retailers have bought in to Apple Pay. It promises to be more secure than plastic, and companies such as Staples need all the help they can get when it comes to data security. But other outfits, including retail giants Walmart and Best Buy, have rejected the Apple Pay technology because it prevents them from tracking customer-purchasing preferences. They’re working on a rival smartphone payment app called CurrentC.
许多零售商都引进了Apple Pay. Apple Pay号称在数据安全方面比塑料的卡片更安全,像Staples这样的公司使用之后可以得到任何在数据安全方面需要的帮助。但是其他包括零售巨头沃尔玛和百思买在内的公司拒绝使用Apple Pay技术,因为它不能让他们跟踪用户购买习惯。所以他们正在使用来自竞争对手的一款叫CurrentC的智能手机支付应用。
Meanwhile, law enforcement has demonized Apple over iOS 8, which passcode-protects photos and other info on the newest iPhones and iPads. Apple doesn’t store the passcodes, so it cannot turn them over even if there’s a warrant. Google will offer similar device encryption in an upcoming version of Android.
Apple exerted its will on the music and publishing industries. We’ll see if the company has the clout to now move the needle on privacy.

—Larry Greenemeier

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