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每日一翻:Sun’s Magnetic Field Boosts Earth Lightning

You might think of weather as a local—or regional—phenomenon. But when it comes to lightning storms, what happens 93 million miles away… at, you guessed it, the Sun… can actually affect the frequency of thunderbolts. That’s according to a study in the journalEnvironmental Research Letters. [M J Owens et al: Modulation of U.K. lightning by heliospheric magnetic field polarity]


“So the Sun is essentially a bar magnet. And as it rotates around half the time its field points towards the Earth and half the time its field points away from the Earth.” Study author Mathew Owens, an environmental physicist at the University of Reading in the U.K. He and his colleagues analyzed lightning strikes in the U.K. over a six-year period. And they found that when the Sun’s magnetic field was pointed away from the Earth, lightning strikes in the U.K went up 50 percent. Owens says what they think is happening is the Sun’s magnetic field affects the Earth’s magnetic field, stretching and skewing it, which allows more cosmic rays to hit the atmosphere.

“所以,太阳本质上是一个条形磁铁。由于它的自转,它的磁场点会有一半的时间是朝着地球,一半时间远离地球。”这项研究的作者Mathew Owens是英国瑞丁大学的一名环境物理学家。他和它的同事分析了六年间发生在英国的闪电。他们发现当太阳的磁场点远离地球,英国闪电发生的概率提升了50%。 Owens说他们认为之所以会这样原因是太阳磁场影响地球磁场,使地球磁场拉伸和扭曲,从而会让更多的宇宙射线可以撞击大气层。

That’s important, because cosmic rays can trigger lightning. “Some groups in America do outrageously cool things like fire rockets with metal wires attached to them into clouds. And that directly triggers the lightning. Because the lightning has a nice metal wire to travel down.”


Nature doesn’t do that, of course. But cosmic rays serve a similar purpose. “These energetic particles that are coming from space essentially produce thin channels of ionization that behave like a thin metal wire. And that enables lightning to occur from the bottom of the cloud to the Earth.”


These types of studies could eventually improve lightning forecasts, Owens says. And since lightning strikes are predicted to increase in a warming world…we may end up seeing less of the Sun itself… but more of its electrifying influence.


—Christopher Intagliata


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