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每日一翻:Ebola Efforts Helped By Flu Shots

“There are only 101 reasons why something as simple as a flu shot makes all the sense in the world right now.” David Relman is a Stanford University infectious disease expert. Want to help fight Ebola? Get a flu shot.
“有101个理由可以解释为什么像流感疫苗这样简单的东西可以对世界有如此大的意义”Davia Relman如是说,他是斯坦福大学的一名传染病专家。想要对抗埃博拉吗?那就接种流感疫苗吧。
“Come this winter, the last thing the public health system needs is a whole bunch—meaning hundreds of thousands—of people who have fever with an ill-defined and undifferentiated illness, who could have prevented those febrile illnesses by simply taking a flu shot. Because should Ebola show up more in this country, every emergency room and clinic is going have to be mindful of what does it mean to see someone with a fever and muscle aches and headache and even diarrhea. It would be a wonderful thing to be able to take influenza off the table and not have to worry about that in the midst of everything else.”
“到了今年冬天,公共卫生体系最后的需要就是有千百个人,这些人曾经因为同一种未知的病症而发烧,而通过接种流感疫苗现在已经有了发热病的抗体。因为埃博拉病毒很可能在这些国家爆发,所以每一个急救室和诊所都将不得不关注一个人发烧、肌肉疼痛、头疼甚至是腹泻实际上意味着什么。能够排除流感而不必担心其中任何其他的问题将是一件很棒的事”。—Steve Mirsky

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